envisioning the perfect Ramadan, for YOU

4 min readDec 17, 2023

it’s already less than 90 more days to Ramadan 2024!!! 😱

i’m slowly preparing for Ramadan, and one thing that makes me feel so nervous or anxious about is not preparing well for it.

i’m not sure if it’s only me, but i’ve had days in Ramadan where i go like — omg, how i wish i could have prepared this doa list much earlier so that i dont waste a single second in Ramadan, thinking of what to make doa for (because sometimes it’s hard right? when making doa off the whim is not a habit, you struggle to find the right words or make the right doas).

or arghhh what more good can i do in Ramadan? how else can i maximise doing good this Ramadan? or this last one that rings in my ear, cos it happened in this year’s Ramadan and i remembered feeling ugh so down about it: preparing a list of beneficiaries and putting aside some funds just so i can donate and contribute to them in Ramadan.

and with that said, and with many years of wasted Ramadan opportunities, i tell myself — ENOUGH! enough of having these parked at the back of my mind and not working on it, and eventually meeting another Ramadan (inshaAllah!!! may we meet the next Ramadan, aameen!) with the same regrets and woes.

so i’ve made up my mind to prepare for Ramadan 2024 with these regrets in mind and i’m just journaling and…




writing in the heart of the galaxy – always seeking and keeping thoughts, and mostly after night falls. thanks for stopping by :)